How to Add a Server on Minecraft Pocket Edition: Ultimate Guide

To add a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition, open the game, tap on “Play,” then choose “Servers” and “Add Server.” Now, let’s explore the steps to conveniently add a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Engage with a detailed guide that walks you through the process, so you can start enjoying multiplayer gameplay in no time. Whether you’re connecting with friends or exploring new worlds, adding a server enhances your gaming experience. Stay tuned as we delve into the simple yet crucial steps to seamlessly integrate a server into your Minecraft Pocket Edition gameplay.

Let’s get started on this exciting journey to expand your Minecraft adventures!

Preparing To Add A Server

Get started with adding a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition by ensuring your preparation is spot on.

Ensure You Have A Stable Internet Connection

Before proceeding, make sure you have a stable internet connection to avoid any disruptions during the process.

Download And Install Minecraft Pocket Edition

To begin, download and install Minecraft Pocket Edition on your preferred device.

How to Add a Server on Minecraft Pocket Edition: Ultimate Guide


Finding A Server

To add a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition, navigate to the game, tap “Play,” then “Servers,” followed by “Add Server. ” Enter the server’s IP address and port, then tap “Add Server” to enjoy gameplay on a new server in Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Browse Popular Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Lists

Join Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Forums

When starting out on Minecraft Pocket Edition, finding a server to play on is essential. Here are some tips on how to add a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Browse Popular Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Lists

To find a server, browse popular Minecraft Pocket Edition server lists. Consider servers with high player counts and positive reviews.

  • Look for lists that categorize servers based on gameplay styles like survival, creative, or minigames.
  • Choose a server that aligns with your preferences and gameplay style.
  • Check the server’s description for rules, plugins, and other important information.

Join Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Forums

Joining server forums is another way to connect with the Minecraft community and discover new servers.

  1. Register on Minecraft Pocket Edition forums and actively participate in discussions.
  2. Ask for server recommendations based on your interests and playstyle.
  3. Engage with other players to get insights into the best servers to join.

Obtaining The Server Ip Address

Before you can join and play on a Minecraft Pocket Edition server, you will need to obtain the server IP address. The IP address is a unique identifier that allows you to connect to a specific server and join in on the multiplayer fun. In this section, we will explore two methods for obtaining the server IP address.

Retrieve Ip Address From Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Lists

If you’re looking to join a popular Minecraft Pocket Edition server, chances are it will be listed in one of the many server lists available online. These lists provide a wide selection of servers that you can join, each with its own unique IP address.

Here’s how you can retrieve the server IP address from one of these server lists:

  1. Visit a trusted Minecraft Pocket Edition server list website. One such popular website is
  2. Browse through the list of servers available. You can use filters to narrow down your search by categories, such as survival, creative, or mini-games.
  3. Select a server that interests you and click on its name to view its details.
  4. Look for the server IP address listed on the page. It is usually displayed prominently near the top.
  5. Highlight and copy the server IP address.

Ask Server Owners For Their Ip Address

If you have a specific Minecraft Pocket Edition server in mind that is not listed on any server list, you can ask the server owner directly for their IP address. This method is particularly useful if you want to join a server that is private or exclusive.

Follow these steps to ask server owners for their IP address:

  1. Search for the server’s website or forum where you can reach out to the server owners.
  2. Create an account or log in if you already have one.
  3. Locate the contact information for the server owner, such as an email address or a contact form.
  4. Compose a polite and concise message introducing yourself and expressing your interest in joining their server. Ask them kindly for the server IP address.
  5. Send the message and patiently wait for a response. Server owners are often busy and may take some time to reply.
  6. Once you receive a reply with the server IP address, make sure to copy it for later use.

With the server IP address in hand, you are now ready to add the server and start your Minecraft Pocket Edition multiplayer adventure. Enjoy exploring new worlds and connecting with fellow players!

How to Add a Server on Minecraft Pocket Edition: Ultimate Guide


Adding A Server

In Minecraft Pocket Edition, adding a server allows you to experience new and exciting gameplay with friends and other players. To add a server, follow these simple steps:

Launch Minecraft Pocket Edition

Open Minecraft Pocket Edition and ensure you are logged in and ready to play.

Select ‘play’ And Click On ‘servers’

Tap on the ‘Play’ button in the main menu, then click on ‘Servers’ to view the list of available servers.

Tap On ‘add Server’

Tap on the ‘Add Server’ button to begin the process of adding a new server to your list of available options.

Enter The Server Ip Address

Once you have tapped on ‘Add Server’, you will be prompted to enter the IP address of the server you want to add. Ensure that you enter the correct IP address to connect to the desired server.

Joining A Server

Joining a server in Minecraft Pocket Edition can be an exciting way to connect with friends and explore new worlds together. It’s a simple process that allows you to join multiplayer servers and experience unique gameplay. If you’re ready to start your multiplayer adventure, follow the steps below to join a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition.

Open Minecraft Pocket Edition

To begin the process of joining a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition, open the game on your mobile device. Tap on the Minecraft Pocket Edition icon to launch the game and access the main menu.

Go To ‘play’

Once you’ve opened Minecraft Pocket Edition, navigate to the “Play” section. This is where you’ll find the option to join a server and dive into the multiplayer experience. Tap on the “Play” button to proceed to the server selection screen.

Select The Server From Your Server List

Within the “Play” section, you’ll see a list of available servers that you can join. Scroll through the server list and select the server you want to join by tapping on its name. Ensure that you have a reliable internet connection to smoothly connect to the server.


While adding a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition is usually a straightforward process, sometimes you may encounter a few issues. In this section, we will address some common troubleshooting scenarios and how you can resolve them.

Could Not Connect To Server

If you are unable to connect to a particular server, here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Ensure that you have entered the correct server address. Double-check for any spelling errors or typos.
  2. Check your internet connection. Poor network connectivity can prevent you from connecting to a server.
  3. Make sure the server you are trying to connect to is online. Sometimes servers may be temporarily down for maintenance or experiencing technical difficulties. Try connecting to a different server to see if the issue persists.
  4. If you are unable to connect to any server, restart your device and try again. This can help resolve any temporary glitches.

Server Is Full

Encountering a “Server is Full” message can be frustrating, but there are a few things you can do:

  1. Try connecting to the server during off-peak hours. Servers often have peak times when more players are online, causing them to reach their maximum capacity.
  2. Look for alternative servers with similar gameplay and themes. There are numerous servers available, and finding another one that fits your preferences should not be too difficult.
  3. If you have a friend who is already connected to the server, ask them to check if there are any available slots or if they can reserve a spot for you.

Incompatible Minecraft Pocket Edition Version

If you are experiencing compatibility issues with your Minecraft Pocket Edition version and the server, follow these steps:

  1. Check the server’s website or forum for any information about compatible Minecraft versions. Servers may require specific versions for proper functionality.
  2. Make sure you have the latest version of Minecraft Pocket Edition installed on your device. If an update is available, download and install it to ensure compatibility.
  3. If the server requires a different Minecraft version, you can try installing an older or newer version of Minecraft Pocket Edition to match the server’s requirements. However, be cautious as this may affect other aspects of your gameplay.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you should be able to overcome common issues encountered when adding a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition. Enjoy playing with friends or exploring new realms!

How to Add a Server on Minecraft Pocket Edition: Ultimate Guide


Frequently Asked Questions For How To Add A Server On Minecraft Pocket Edition

How Do I Add A Server On Minecraft Pocket Edition?

To add a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition, open the game, tap “Play,” select “Servers,” then tap “Add Server” and enter the server details. Tap “Save” to add the server to your list. Finally, tap the server to join.

Why Can’t I Connect To A Minecraft Pocket Edition Server?

If you can’t connect to a Minecraft Pocket Edition server, ensure that your device has a stable internet connection. Additionally, confirm that the server address and port are correct. If you still can’t connect, try restarting the game and your device.

What Are The Benefits Of Joining A Minecraft Pocket Edition Server?

Joining a Minecraft Pocket Edition server allows you to play with friends, join various game modes and communities, and participate in unique activities and challenges not available in single-player mode. It also fosters social interaction and enhances the overall gaming experience.

Can I Create My Own Server In Minecraft Pocket Edition?

Yes, you can create your own server in Minecraft Pocket Edition using third-party hosting services or setting up a server on your own device. With a private server, you can customize the gameplay, invite specific players, and have full control over the gaming environment.


To sum up, adding a server on Minecraft Pocket Edition can enhance your gaming experience. By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this guide, you can easily connect with friends and explore exciting multiplayer worlds. Remember to choose a reliable server and ensure a stable internet connection for uninterrupted gameplay.

So, don’t wait any longer, grab your device, and embark on an adventure like no other! Happy gaming!